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Scenic Rim Agricultural Expo - 1st & 2nd September 2023

The 1st & 2nd of September 2023 will see the Fassifern Valley Rotary Club and Harrisville Lions Club in conjunction with Scenic Rim Regional Council, host the Scenic Rim Agricultural Expo in Harrisville.

What is Rotary?
Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million neighbours, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who come together to make positive, lasting change in communities at home and abroad.
About our Club
We are a group of local people who work together for the benefit of our local community and also the national and international communities, with a strong focus on youth development projects.
Our Meetings
1st Wednesday - Business Meeting
2nd Wednesday - Dinner Meeting
3rd Wednesday - Committee Meetings
4th Wednesday - Monthly Theme Meeting
5th Wednesday - Social Event
Our members always enjoys meeting new people. If you would like to attend a meeting and see what our club is all about, please contact our President Scott (0417 130 123) or the club Secretary.
For further details see events page or contact our Secretary.
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